Battery Research Equipment & Consumables
PI-KEM offer a comprehensive range of research materials, consumables, and equipment to help researchers develop new and improved batteries. We have been partners with MTI Corporation for over 30 years and collaborate with our network of suppliers and customers to ensure we have the materials and equipment suitable for current energy development innovation.
We work with small-scale laboratories up to pre-production organisations and can provide advice and guidance on the set-ups required, budget management and upscaling of existing resources.
Read our PI-KEM Insights article that discusses getting the most of your budget when setting up a battery research line.
See our equipment guide at the bottom of this page.
Battery Cell Cases & Consumables
PI-KEM offers a wide range of cases and consumables for battery and supercapacitor research. The product overview table shows our most requested lines; however, we welcome any enquiry for other specifications.
Our range includes:
- Coin cells
- Cylinder cells
- Pouch cells
- Split test cells
Click here for the full MTI range.
Energy Research Equipment
PI-KEM provides an extensive choice of equipment for battery and supercapacitor research. This ranges from cost-effective manual and semi-automatic equipment, designed for use in benchtop research, through to automated and high throughput systems for large laboratory research and prototype testing.
The range includes:
Coin Cell Production
- Coin cell crimpers
- Disc cutters
- Automated assembling machines
- Split test cells
- Testing boards
- Consumables, chemicals, and materials
Click here for the full MTI range
Cylinder and Prismatic Battery Cell Production:
- Electrode coaters
- Stackers and winding machines
- Cell sealers and crimpers
- Analysers and testers
- Consumables, chemicals, and materials
- Electrolyte injector systems
Click here for the full MTI range
Pouch Cell Production:
- Electrode coaters
- Cutting, stacking, slitting, and winding machines
- Tape casters
- Roll to roll coaters
- Rolling presses (Calendar machines)
- Cup formers and electrolyte injectors
- Vacuum sealing machines
- Ultrasonic welding machines
- De-gassing chambers
- Battery pack assemblers
- Consumables, chemicals, and materials
- Safety testing, calibration and analysing equipment
Click here for the MTI range of pouch cell fabrication consumables.
The product overview tables show our most requested lines; however, we welcome any enquiry for other equipment.
MTI can offer customisation of equipment to provide bespoke solutions for researchers and battery development engineers.
Pilot Line Set Up
PI-KEM and MTI can offer a pilot line set up service including testing of equipment. Training with MTI engineers can be organised at their site in US, at our customer's site or via a virtual platform as appropriate.
The full range of MTI battery R & D equipment can be found here
Product Overview Tables
Battery Cell Cases and Consumables
Lab-scale Equipment