Reversible fluorescent solid porous films for detection of zinc ions in biological media

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publication date
February 18, 2025
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Gandin, A., Brigo, L.,Giacomazzo, S. et al. Reversible fluorescent solid porous films fordetection of zinc ions in biological media. J Biol Eng 19,17 (2025).

PI-KEM Product referenced:

SCS G3P Spin Coater


The need for a sensitive, selective, non-invasive and reversible fluorescent sensor for Zn2+ monitoring is addressed in this work. A novel guest-host system is developed, including a Zn2+ sensitive fluorescent probe, Zinpyr-1, embedded in a porous optically transparent hybrid film. The entrapped probe molecules are accessible and can interact with the external analyte. The immobilized Zinpyr-1 confirms its specificity and selectivity for Zn2+, as shown by sensing tests conducted in buffer solutions that mimic the ionic composition of biological media. The uniqueness of the developed sensor system lies in its reversibility, combined with a fast and selective response, allowing dynamic measurements of zinc concentrations in the 1 µM to 1 mM range within few tens of seconds. Unlike most Zn2+ sensors, this system is a film-based sensor, making it an interesting minimally invasive tool for future studies on how live cells cultured on it dynamically regulate the Zn2+ concentration under controlled physiological conditions.


Film-based Sensor, Hybrid Sensor


Alessandro Gandin, Laura Brigo, Sujatha Giacomazzo, Veronica Torresan & Giovanna Brusatin

Organisation / Department Address:

Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, 35131, Italy

INSTM Padova RU, University of Padova, Padova, 35131, Italy

Department of Applied Physics, University of Cantabria, Santander, 39005, Spain